Dressing your windows the eco friendly way!

If you are not on the Eco-Friendly Train yet then you are late!  Recycling and cutting down on plastic use is something we are all trying to get on board with but what about when you are decorating and designing the inside of your home?  Have you thought about the materials you use and ensuring it is an environmentally friendly choice?  Well if not then here are a few ideas and things to consider when choosing how to dress your windows, there is probably more choice than you thought!

Eco friendly coverings

Consider this…

When decorating your home, one of the most sustainable decisions you can make is to choose high quality, durable products that will stand the test of time. This will reduce the amount of waste you generate, as well as reducing the resources and energy required to repurchase.

Real Wooden Blinds

The Timber Industry is a concern but there is an eco-friendly way, choosing a supplier who only sources wood from Forests that are responsibly managed would be your first port of call.  Ask them about their manufacturers, do they use sustainable wood?  Always look for official certification of the wood's sustainable source, even if it says it's from the EU. There have been questions about wood from some EU sources, for example illegal logging has long been suspected in Russian and Siberian forests.  Make sure the wood has been treated to ensure maximum durability helping your Blinds to have a long and happy lifespan!    

Wooden Blinds are really easy to clean and offer so many options, you have the choice of traditional, transitional or contemporary wood valance with a complementing wand. Additionally, you can opt for privacy slats, rootless stats, or cloth tapes for extra privacy and light filtration.  Shutters always give a lovely traditional look to your home as well. 

Faux wooden blinds

Bathrooms & Kitchens benefit from a wood alternative.  Choosing uPVC in these rooms will mean you avoid the risk of warping and stains on your Blinds as it is water resistant, however uPVC is not as strong as wood or metal.  It is not a good idea to use this material in areas where the temperature will stay around 55 degrees for months on end as it can soften and become pliable. 

Opting for uPVC means you are choosing a Green material.  Due to its Polymer Structure it is fully recyclable and can be reused for production. 

Synthetic materials like PVC are cheaper than wood but this does not affect their performance.  They do not fade or become brittle due to constant exposure to the sunlight but they can start to take on a yellow tinge as they get older.  The other problem is if they break, they cannot be repaired – you will need to completely replace them.

Aluminium blinds

Aluminium is called the green metal because it is a very environmentally friendly metal. Recycling this material saves 95% of the energy required to produce aluminium from raw materials.  Did you know that it’s estimated that 75% of the aluminium which has been extracted over the last 100 years is still in use?!

 Aluminium Blinds can be cut to fit your window perfectly and it is easy to clean as well as being resistant to water so another perfect choice for a Kitchen or Bathroom.

 The Aluminium Slats are much thinner than wood, so they take up less room when pulled up. There is a vast range of colours and finishes available in this material.  Darker colours absorb more light at the window – great if you have a South facing window!

 Aluminium Blinds are also really affordable, so perfect if you are on a budget!

 Linen blinds and curtains

 Choosing Linen could well be the best Eco Friendly choice you could make!  It is sourced from a low maintenance and versatile crop called Flax.  Flax produces minimal waste and whilst it is growing it only needs water from natural rainfall and incredibly few pesticides.

 Linen is mostly produced in Europe so it has a lower carbon footprint to other materials.  It is a great choice for soft furnishings within your home especially Blinds and Curtains.

 Linen has a real organic look and feel about it, it has a wonderful natural appearance and the open weaves in the material bring a look and feeling of comfort to your home. 

 Thermal lining

 Let’s save the best secret to last – Thermal Lining.  Most commonly used on Roller Blinds, Roman and Curtains.  Using this will boost your Eco-Friendly points to the top!  By adding improved insulation such as Thermal Lining to your Blinds and Curtains you will reduce heat-loss through your windows so no need to touch that Thermostat!  Something I think we all could benefit from whilst trying to keep the Gas Bills down and be more Energy efficient.  It’s like a Duvet for your window.

 Roller and Roman Blinds come in really great designs as well – you have an abundant choice of colours and designs at your finger tips.  Something quite literally for every single interior décor!


 It is very common these days to have Electric Blinds – you can manage them with a Remote Control or even Voice control.  If you want to really save on Energy you can opt for a Solar Panel that attaches to the Window and trickle charges the battery pack, saving on Electric and no need to re-charge the batteries when they run out!